
Visual novel free
Visual novel free

The story revolves around an orphaned girl by the name of Rosa, who gets entangled in her best friend’s Catherine life. Hence, it’s more like you’re a guiding spirit instead. In short, you play the role of a woman trying to guide her daughter through a hard time, but you’re only a voice, not an actual physical presence. Play the role of a guiding motherĬUPID - A free to play Visual Novel is an interactive story in which you get to listen to a sad tale of love and revenge, although it’s a lot more complicated than that.

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Visual novels are built around the plot, on the other hand, so it’s only reasonable to think that they can handle the subject much better.

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It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s awful when the plot is not solid enough. There are many stories about love, as well as plenty of movies and video games that ultimately resort to love as an explanation or reason for how things turn out in the end.

Visual novel free